
Must See TV

Weigh In: 294.0 (new low)
5-Day: 295.24 (new low)
Calories: 1,908 (low to make up for 2,900 the day before)

OK, tell me you're not dying to go find and hire these guys after watching these videos. I would KILL for some off-the-wall training like this. And if it made me look like a Spartan (from '300', not East Lansing. I'm a Wolverine, baby), all the better.


"Floor Wipers"
(What song is that? It's awesome.)

The '300' Workout


Anonymous said...

Yes, I would love to be shipped off somewhere for a couple of months to be whipped into shape. Then be shipped to the Orient and get trained in the ninja arts :P

Marcol said...

The 300 Workout, now that serious training. If I could but do half of that consistently I'd have a stellar body before my goal date. It makes me think about what training Im going to be doing for July. I think I will try to incorporate something different daily or weekly to keep the body guessing. We'll see, strategy hmph!

Rebecca said...

Ok... WHOA! It's amazing though, the Internet is a wonderful thing, cuz you can get the advantage of those workouts and a bunch of other stuff without having to pay the money to get it. Definitely thinking about what I'm going to do for July, so we can kick some Team GONADS. I mean GOYADS. woops.

Rob Tucker said...

Josh the Destroyer used to rave about the 300 workout. Told me how insane it really is, and that video touches the tip of the iceberg.

For what it's worth - wtf's up with Jim Carrey? Weird dude, man.