
Nobody to Blame but Myself

Today's Weigh-In: 309

My worst weigh-in in quite a while. And as painful as it was to see, I know I brought it upon myself, so I can't sit here and moan about it to you guys.

A few things that work in my favor, kind of?

I know I didn't go over my calories enough to put four pounds on in three days. Just not possible. There are roughly 70 calories per ounce of Vodka, so even if I had two cups per night (I didn't, by the way), I was nowhere near 3500 calories either of my two, nasty days. So, I did some Googling this morning, and I found that alcohol causes constipation. As does too much caffiene. Hello! I had Vodka and Diet Mt. Dew, people.

Plus, my diet was VERY bread-heavy on Friday and Saturday. Whole wheat bread, but bread, just the same. After more Googling, I find that whole wheat bread is another major contributor to constipation.

So, I spend Friday and Saturday eating whole wheat bread, and drinking alcohol with caffiene.

That would explain why I haven't, um, "gone" since sometime Friday morning. And that may also explain why I'm four pounds up.

So, today is a one-day semi-detox. For breakfast? An apple. For snack? An apple. For lunch? A can of tuna. For afternooon snack? Let's go with an apple. For dinner? No clue, but not an apple.

I'm hoping the fiber in the apples moves things along, and leads me to a better number next week.

Also, I'm back to counting calories. I stopped roughly two weeks ago - about the time I hit this plateau. Is there a connection? Hard to say, but I'm not going to play around with it. If there's any chance that counting will help push me toward 299, then count, I will.

Like Rob, my only goal right now is to be lighter and healthier next week than I am right now. Gotta right the ship before it capsizes.


Anonymous said...

The good thing is that you've pin-pointed the problem. Not only that, but you're taking strides to fix it. You're going to break this plateau...just eat 100% clean like we decided.

Enjoy those apples. ;)

Rob Tucker said...

Sometimes you need to just suck it up, and detox the hell out of yourself. Eating apples seems to be a tough road, but if that works for you, go for it. Throw some carrots or something else in there, a little higher glycemic. You don't want to OVERDO it.

Hell, apples do nothing for me. Either way, definitely get back to counting calories - it's the most efficient way to be accountable to yourself, IMO.

billy said...

I feel like I've had that particular problem a lot during this quest. I chalk it up to just eating less, and eating less carbs, even though I take in a lot of fiber in the form of vegetables and psyllum seed husk.

Personally, alcohol seems to, er, clean me out as it were. Every weekend I can pretty much count on a colon-cleansing blast'o'fun.

Sorry about the visual, but that's my .02.

Kristen said...

ummm...according to a friend of mine...activia yogurt...